PETREA “Petey” TORMA/Camp Director:
My first year at PAC was the summer of 1994, which means I have been involved either as a camper, counselor, tour actor, artistic director or camp director at PAC for 30 years this August. I attended PAC for 7 years; 5 at North Shore and 2 at South Shore. I knew early on that after being a camper I wanted to come back and give back by counseling. Because of this I chose not to come back for my 8th year of eligibility in hopes that I would be able to counsel a year earlier by giving myself that year of separation.
These two weeks each year refill my metaphorical bucket before I head back into the classroom each fall. I love the joy and laughter that burst out of the cabins. But most of all I love the family that these two weeks on the lake together forges within us all. I can’t wait to head back up again this year and experience everything this year will bring.
*Petey teaches 4th grade at Paxson Elementary in Missoula.
ADAM ZRUST/Artistic Director:
My first year at PAC was 1994. I remember being very homesick my first year at camp. Thankfully, we had a very nurturing camp director–Melanie Charlson. She was patient, kind, and without her comforting pep-talks, I’m certain I wouldn’t have returned for a second year. I also met one of my very best friends, Seaghan (Herron).

I was a seven-year camper: 1994-2000–the “gold standard” during that era. I think we technically could attend up to eight years as many do now, but we didn’t back then. Growing up in rural Nebraska, artistic experiences were limiting and PAC was one of the only places I felt I could truly be myself and grow as an artist. When the opportunity came to be a counselor and eventually direct, I embraced the opportunity to “give back.” I can’t imagine a better summer camp experience–Montana mountain air, beautiful Flathead Lake, extremely talented, passionate artists, and the chance to make friends for life. How could one say “no” to that?!?
*Adam is the Assistant Professor of Choral Music Education and Director of Choral Activities at Northwest Missouri State University.

ANNIKA CHARLSON/Choreographer:
I’ve been involved with PAC (Performing Arts Camp) more years than not! With 8 years as camper, 4 years as counselor, and heading into my first as choreographer, I LOVE coming back to the shores of Flathead Lake each year with MCT. PAC was one of the biggest inspirations for my love of theater and more specifically, dance/choreography.
I am grateful for the opportunity to be able to come back as a part of the artist staff at North Shore to help inspire the next generation through the performing arts! The friends that I’ve made at PAC are lifelong and I hope all campers get the opportunity to experience that kind of friendship as well!”
*Annika is the Studio Manager and a Dance Instructor at Show Tyme Academy in Missoula.
ARIELLE NACHTIGAL/Music Director: This will be my 15th PAC year: 5 as a camper, 5 as counselor and now my 5th year music directing. When I was a young musical theatre enthusiast, I couldn’t WAIT to show up to camp and find out the theme and which musicals we would get to sing!
Coming back as a counselor was a no-brainer; I taught voice lessons and show music—including teaching Newsies “King of New York” to my youngest brother! I love teaching the music and challenging the campers as the weeks progress. Those with a stronger musical background turn into the leaders in those areas and it’s incredible to see the campers help each other shine.

Camp has always been a safe place for me to be a little goofy while also not hiding my strengths. Friendships spanning years and miles are created. The two weeks pass too quickly, but the lessons we learn about ourselves last forever.
*Arielle has a Masters in Vocal Performance from the University of Montana and is employed in the medical field.