We have numerous families in the cast of A Christmas Story who are committing their precious holiday time for your enjoyment,
and we wanted to learn a little bit more about what their holidays at home are like. Here are some of their answers!
Tim and Lexi Stoops
A Present in the past we really wanted to get:
Lexi: Last year I really wanted a hoverboard so that I could go around the park on it.
Tim: It was a Nintendo video game. My family wrapped it in a box big enough to fit a dishwasher, and then inside it there were more wrapped boxes of increasingly smaller size, until at long last it was finally my most desired WWF WrestleMania Challenge game.
Family Holiday Tradition:
Lexi: I like decorating our Christmas tree. It’s fun, and I like seeing all the family ornaments again. Also, our tree plays holiday music with light shows, and I love that!
Tim: My mom would make big batches of sugar cookie dough from scratch, leading to a day when we’d use the holiday cookie cutters and sprinkle the cookies for what felt like hours. After they all baked, they became a staple snack all the way up until Christmas morning. This will be our first holiday season without mom and her special cookies, but we’re looking forward to continuing the tradition by replicating them as best we can.
Fruitcake…thumbs up or down?
Lexi: If I tried it, I don’t think I’d like it.
Tim: I’m yucking others’ yums here. Should be every thumb there is in the world, all the way down.
Anything else?
Lexi: Remember to share your Christmas cookies with me, as long as they’re peanut free!
Tim: There should be no shame at all in watching those cheesy Hallmark holiday movies ALL. YEAR. LONG!
Stacie Campo Family
A Present in the past we really wanted to get:
Stacie remembers a brand-new bike with training wheels under the Christmas tree (last year, of course). When Jonah was six, he asked Santa Claus to bring hermit crabs. When Anna was four, she asked for a toy cash register from Santa. When Tessa was four, Santa brought her a veterinarian doll. Grammy Bev remembers wishing for her very first horse, Susy.
Family Holiday tradition:
Much like the Parker family, we choose a tree together (after much debate on whose turn it is), and then we spend an entire day decorating it while listening to Christmas music. We also typically choose a souvenir ornament on every trip, for a new pet/baby/special occasion/etc., so decorating the tree is a trip down memory lane.
Fruitcake…thumbs up or down?
Thumbs down (Definitely cookies instead– Stacie’s Dad made dozens and dozens every year for cookie plate trading with cousins. Stacie’s mom made an annual holiday fruit salad, but no one has ever offered us fruitcake?!)
Anything else?
While Stacie didn’t have an Aunt Clara like Ralphie, she did have an Aunt Pattie, who gave her little sister an actual rock (vaguely shaped like a dragonfly) for Christmas one year.
Chatriand Family
Here are a couple of things about our family…
Favorite Holiday Movie: National Lampoon’s Christmas Vacation
Fruitcake: Thumbs down, Rum Cake: Thumbs up
Holiday Traditions: Pretty traditional. We hide a pickle ornament to find to get an extra gift, bake cookies together, we always have frozen pizza the weekend before Thanksgiving, and enjoy our Elf on the Shelf, Clyde.
Heinz Family
A Present in the past we really wanted to get: Ben has really wanted a Nintendo Switch. I remember when I got mine years ago. It was the biggest give I’ve ever gotten!
Family Holiday tradition: My dad used to read The Night Before Christmas to us every year, even into my college years. Now I read it to my family every Christmas Eve and it’s the last thing we do before everyone gets into bed. Also, my mom made something called “Sunshine Sauce” every year, which was just butter and powdered sugar.
Fruitcake (thumbs up or down): Thumbs down until you smother it with Sunshine Sauce!
Anything else?: My family is busy during the Holidays, but we love doing shows together. MCT IS our community.